
About US(E)

Lifevice is a harm reduction business focused on providing a safe and enjoyable experience for festival-goers, party animals, socialites, introverts, and a gazillion other w alks of life. Our mission is to promote health and safety through our range of rave kits, which contain essential items for a safe and responsible time at festivals.

Our rave kits include fentanyl test strips from DanceSafe (most accurate tests on the market), hydration formulas from Waterboy, ear + skin protection, - all packaged in a beautiful Lifevice branded box. We believe that by providing these essential items, we can help people make informed decisions about their health and safety, and have a better time overall.

We are passionate about harm reduction and believe in educating people about the potential risks of drug use. Our kits also include informational materials on safe drug use and harm reduction strategies, as well as resources for seeking help if needed.

We are committed to providing high-quality, reliable products and excellent customer service. Our team is made up of festival-goers and harm reduction advocates who understand the importance of promoting health and safety at events.